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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Was Nirvana Really the Best Grunge Band?

I know that I'll probably upset a few people with this one, but I have to put out there that one thing that drives me crazy is the reaction Nirvana gets from people. I do like Nirvana, but it pains me every time I hear that they were the greatest Grunge band. Honestly as a whole the band was lacking compared to some of it's counterparts.

Take Soundgarden for example (my personal choice as #1 grunge band), Chris Cornell's vocal ability blew Cobain away. Soundgarden as a whole had an edge musically over Nirvana. Another prime example is Alice in Chains. The combination of Layne Staley and Jerry Cantrell again surpassed everything Nirvana had to offer.

I realize that Nirvana had some great tunes, but it seems that all the added hype they get is ill warranted when compared to other bands of the same time.

I need to keep this short, I'm about to head out for an audition (which I will write about later), but keep in mind musical taste above all else. If you truly prefer the way Nirvana sounds then more power to you, but don't be one of those people who just blatantly accepts them as the best.

Take Care,

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