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Monday, November 9, 2009

The Fitness World Taking Gone Down A Bad Road

Every day when we browse the web we come across those dreaded ads. They tell us that they have a miracle secret to lose weight, build muscle, and become full of energy. Many people excitedly click on that link in hopes that they can get that helping hand to gain control of their weight. What comes next is not so shocking anymore, we see a bunch of great testimonials, some catchy hooks, and then we're slammed with a "for only $59.99 we'll let you in on our secret."

I am a strong believer in helping out others who need it. When someone is struggling with a weight issue I'm not going to tell them, "hey I have an answer for you, if you give me $60.00." (Note I'm not talking about personal trainers or those who put in a lot of time to help others lose weight, for money. I'm talking about those who say they have harnessed a secret formula and under the anonymity of the internet charge you money for something severely lacking.)

I'll leave a few tips here:

1. First off it sounds like a no-brainer, but cut out that fast food. Actually cut out as much eating out as possible. Cut out as much artificial sugars as possible as well, they can easily be replaced by some great tasting all natural fruits. Eat home made meals whenever you can.

2. This next one I cannot stress enough, STOP DRINKING POP! Pop and other sugary carbonated beverages are flat out awful for you. Try replacing pop with natural juices, water, or green tea.

3. Meditate. Feeling stressed? Stress is a huge problem in many of our lives. Reduce stress as much and as often as you can. Meditating is just on of many great ways to do that.

4. Eating right. I already mentioned cutting out fast food, now you need to learn what to replace it with. Do not starve yourself, it will drop your metabolic rate. Most of what you eat should be fruits, vegetables, and lentils (beans). You will also need your grains, but aim for whole grains they are substantially better for you than plain white bread. Protein is something your body needs. Eat lean meats (try to only eat one main course meat in a day), eggs and peanut butter are other great sources of protein.

5. Rearrange your diet. Your breakfast should be a mid-sized meal, your lunch should be the largest meal of your day, and your dinner should be your smallest. this is due to the fact that you are most active during the day, not the night. Also remember to have in-between meal snacks, but make sure they are healthy. Try low fat yogurts, almonds, or as always fruits and vegetable.

6. Exercise. I hate to break it to you but you will need to exercise. Try to find a friend or group of friends and get involved in a weekly sport. Also give skipping and swimming a shot, both are excellent ways to burn off those extra pounds.

7. Be optimistic. Don't get down on yourself and don't let others drag you down, you can achieve whatever your weight loss goals are with some time and patience.

Take Care,

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